Updated on
Jan, 13 2025
Dmytro Konovalenko
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Anatoliy Yarovyi
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How Do I Know if I am on INTERPOL?

It is important to note that INTERPOL is not a police force and cannot arrest individuals. Neither can it investigate crimes. INTERPOL only helps police officers around the world to cooperate and arrest criminals.

The INTERPOL’s databases and communication channels are vital in enabling police officers in member countries to cooperate as they hunt down offenders. INTERPOL issues Red Notices and Diffusions to circulate information about criminals.

What is a Red Notice?

A Red Notice contains the details of individuals wanted for extradition or surrender. INTERPOL stores it on its databases, and law enforcement officers worldwide can see it.

If an offender in one member country flees to another country, the National Central Bureau (NCB) can request INTERPOL to circulate that information. Immigration officials and police officers in the member countries will be on high alert to arrest the mentioned person. 

The Red Notice contains information like name, age (date of birth), pictures, and nationality. The alleged offenses are also listed therein.

What is Diffusion?

A diffusion is a notice that INTEa country shares with other member countries through INTERPOL’s databases. It resembles a Red Notice but doesn’t have to get the approval of the General Secretariat before being released to other countries.

Therefore, a diffusion can still get circulated even if it doesn’t contain all the information. This means that the General Secretariat wouldn’t approve its circulation if it were a Red Notice.

A given country can write to specific member countries (or all members), informing them that it is looking for a particular offender in those countries.

Anyone with a Diffusion or Red Notice can get arrested in their home country or while traveling abroad.

How to Know if There is  Red Notice or Diffusion Against You

So, how do I search an Interpol database to check if there are some records about me? You can find out through several methods:

INTERPOL’s Website

The firsts way is to make Interpol check online. When you visit INTERPOL’s website, go to the “Wanted Persons” section. Extracts of some red notices are available in this section. INTERPOL lists the names of offenders ad the crimes they committed. For instance, theft.

Remember that the website lists only some of the Red Notices. Some names are listed on the Red Notice available to the restricted networks accessible only by law enforcement agencies. Also, INTERPOL’s website does not display diffusions.

The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files (CCF)

The CCF’s mandate is to ensure that data processing at INTERPOL follows the outlined data protection rules. Filling the request to CCF asking them to allow you access to your file is another way how to check interpol record. However, there are no guarantees that you will be granted access to the data.

CCF states that the information in their databases belongs to the NCB that submits the information. The NCB can request CCF not disclose any information to anyone. Some reasons for the NCB to ask CCF to withhold information include:

  • Enabling law enforcers to discharge their duties smoothly
  • Protecting public or national security
  • Keeping an investigation or prosecution confidential

Consult Interpol Lawyer

Consulting an experienced Interpol lawyer is one of the most reliable ways to determine if you are on Interpol’s wanted list. An Interpol lawyer specializes in international criminal law and has expertise in navigating Interpol’s systems and procedures. They can conduct thorough checks using their professional networks and resources to verify if there are any Red Notices, diffusions, or other alerts issued against you in Interpol’s databases.

Check with Law Enforcement

Law enforcement agencies in member countries have immediate access to Interpol’s databases during their investigations. This access can be facilitated through two main channels:

  1. INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB): each member country has an NCB that serves as the primary liaison between national law enforcement and Interpol. Officers can request database searches through their local NCB.
  2. Direct frontline access: specialized units and border control officers can often query Interpol databases directly from their locations. 


The best way to know if your name is on INTERPOL is by contacting the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files (CCF). If your request meets the admissible requirements, they will allow you to see your file. However, the CCF can deny you access in particular circumstances.

Anatoly Yarovyi
Anatoly Yarovyi
Anatoly Yarovyi is a seasoned and accomplished lawyer with 20 years of professional experience. He now specializes in Interpol and extradition cases, as well as consulting high-profile individuals on matters related to personal and business security, data protection, and freedom of movement.
He has a strong academic background, including a Master of Law from Lviv University (2004) and an LLM from Stanford University (2013).
He successfully represents clients in the European Court of Human Rights and was one of 15 candidates for the position of Judge at the ECHR in 2021.
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