Non Extradition Countries

Non-extradition countries are nations that do not engage in the practice of extraditing their own citizens to other countries. Such countries usually have enacted laws that ban the extradition of their nationals, or they have yet to establish extradition treaties with other nations. This setup often allows individuals who have committed a crime in one country to elude justice by taking refuge in another non-extradition country. Numerous non-extradition countries exist globally, including but not limited to Cuba, Ecuador, and Venezuela.

Non Extradition Countries 2024

Some nations might by chance give a safe place to folks mixed up in crime. Yet, they can also be a refuge for people running from being hurt for their beliefs. Often, people who get safety in a land with no return-for-crime deals can live without fear. They don’t have to worry about being sent back home where they might be locked up or badly hurt. For a deep understanding, consider exploring the writings of our expert extradition lawyers and learn why red notice can be a cause of your extradition.

No extradition countries to the USA

No extradition countries to the USA

Many lands around the world won’t make their people go back to face trial in the United States. They are called nations without deals to send folks back to the US. This means that if the US wants someone for breaking the law, that person can’t be forced to come back to America to be in court. Some of these places are Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam.

When the US can’t get people from these lands, it’s tough to take them to court. Yet, there are other ways to try to get justice. The US might catch the person in a place that will send them back, or they could hold a court hearing even if the person isn’t there. So, even with hard steps, the US can still try to make sure the law is followed.

No extradition countries to the UK

No extradition countries to the UK

Many countries, like Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, and Syria, lack a deal to send folks back with the UK. This means the UK can’t legally send people to these places. Why this is so varies. Sometimes, it’s because the UK and the other land don’t talk to each other. Or, the UK may think the other land’s courts aren’t strong enough to treat people sent back there the right way. Also, the UK often won’t send people to places where they might get the death penalty. So, those wanted by the law in these lands with no send-back deal could try to hide in the UK. But it’s key to know this won’t always keep them safe. The UK can still decide to send people back, looking at each case on its own.

No extradition countries to Australia

No extradition countries to Australia

Australia has no nations it can send back people to. New Zealand is the nearest land but it can’t make people go back to Australia. This may be because New Zealand is small and doesn’t have much stuff. Also, New Zealand won’t kill people for crimes, so they might not send someone to Australia if they might die there. No matter why, with no deal to send people back between these two places, you can’t make someone leave New Zealand to go to Australia if they’ve run away there.

No extradition countries to India

No extradition countries to India

India does not have swap deals to send people back with other lands, which means folk blamed for wrongs in India can’t be sent back to face trial in other places. This makes it tough for cops to look into crimes across borders, as it’s hard to make suspects face the court. But, this fact stops wrongdoers from running away from India, raising the odds of them being tried at home. Plus, not having swap deals can be used as a chip in talks with other countries. Even with these upsides, not having ways to send back suspects makes it hard to fight crimes that cross borders.

No extradition countries in Africa

In Africa, some lands have no swap deals with others. This means if someone is said to have done a bad thing in another land, they can’t be sent there to be tried. Lands may have many reasons for not sending bad guys back. Maybe they don’t have a set way to judge folk, or they don’t agree with the swap deal. Or maybe they just don’t want to send their own people away. No matter the cause, these lands without swap deals give a safe spot for those who did wrong.

No extradition countries in Africa

Below is a list of no-extradition countries in Africa:

  • Somalia
  • Eritrea
  • South Sudan
  • Sudan
  • Djibouti
  • Liberia
  • Burundi
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Comoros
  • The Gambia

Places like Somalia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan, and Djibouti have never made an extradition deal with any other place. For these nations, this task has not been on top of their list. Liberia, in contrast, once had such a deal with the USA, but it got canceled later. Burundi, too, has faced tough spots with sending back lawbreakers. In 2014, they said no to send back a terror suspect, even though they had a deal with Belgium. Guinea-Bissau and Comoros lack extradition deals but both are part of Interpol, which helps find crooks. The Gambia is the sole name here not in Interpol. Yet, they have a law – the Extradition Act – that lets them send back bad actors if they did things like kill or harm. Whatever their reasons, lands with no extradition are often hideouts for folks who broke the law.

Expatriation & Non-Extradition Countries

Expatriation & Non-Extradition Countries

Moving out of your home land to live in another place for jobs, school, or family can be hard. You have to get used to new ways and words, and you might miss home or feel alone. Plus, some places won’t send people back to face crime charges in their own lands. Places like Cuba, North Korea, and Russia might be hiding spots for those who did wrong. People who move should learn the rules of the place they go to. Knowing this is key because they can still be pulled into court over a crime. Our legal team is good at giving advice on laws between nations. You can read about our team too. They work hard to help with tough rules about international money blocks. We help follow US money block rules, and our group with know-how on these fights is ready to help solve them.

In the next blog, we will be talking about “Can You Get Arrested at the Airport?“.

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Lawyer Kendall Coffey
Kendall Coffey
Senior Partner
Mr. Coffey is a former U.S. Attorney, Southern District of Florida (1993-1996); and served as Chair of, the Southern District Conference, Florida Federal Judicial Nominating Commission (April 2009 – January 2017).

Non Extradition Countries FAQ

Which country has no extradition?
There isn't a specific country with absolutely no extradition; however, several countries have limited or no extradition treaties with certain other nations. The degree of extradition cooperation depends on the countries involved and their diplomatic relationships.
What countries don't extradite to the UK?
Some countries that have no extradition treaty with the UK include Afghanistan, Armenia, Belarus, and Somalia. However, extradition can still be requested on a case-by-case basis, and the decision to cooperate might depend on the nature of the crime and the countries' diplomatic relations.
What is a non-extradition country, and how does it differ from other countries in terms of legal procedures?
A non-extradition country is a nation that has no formal agreement to extradite fugitives to other countries. This differs from countries with extradition treaties, which have agreed to cooperate in returning fugitives to face legal consequences in the requesting country. Non-extradition countries might refuse extradition requests for various reasons, such as political differences, human rights concerns, or the absence of a treaty.
What are some examples of non-extradition countries, and do their policies on extradition vary?
Some examples of countries with limited or no extradition agreements include Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. Their policies on extradition can vary depending on the countries involved, the nature of the crime, and their diplomatic relations. It's important to note that even in the absence of a formal treaty, ad hoc arrangements or case-by-case negotiations can still lead to extradition.
What factors might lead an individual to seek refuge in a non-extradition country, and are there any legal implications for doing so?
Individuals might seek refuge in a non-extradition country to avoid facing legal consequences in their home country, such as criminal charges or political persecution. Legal implications of seeking refuge in a non-extradition country can vary; while the host country might refuse to extradite, the fugitive may still face arrest and prosecution if they travel to a country with an extradition treaty with their home country. Additionally, the individual's actions could strain diplomatic relations between the two nations.
Is Dubai a non-extradition country?
Dubai, as part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has extradition treaties with several countries, including the UK and the US. It is not considered a non-extradition country.
Does Dubai extradite to the US?
Yes, Dubai, as part of the UAE, has an extradition treaty with the US. However, extradition requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and may depend on the nature of the crime and other factors.
Does Northern Cyprus have an extradition treaty with the UK?
Northern Cyprus, officially known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is not recognized by the UK or most other countries as an independent nation, and there is no formal extradition treaty between the UK and Northern Cyprus. Extradition requests may be handled indirectly through Turkey, which does have an extradition treaty with the UK, but the process can be complex and uncertain.
What countries don't have extradition treaties with the US ?
Countries without extradition treaties with the US: Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Cuba, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Iran, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, North Korea, Oman, Palestine, People’s Republic of China, Qatar, Republic of Macedonia, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Siachen Glacier, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, São Tomé and Príncipe, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Vietnam, Western Sahara, Yemen.
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