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Interpol Lawyers in Germany

German Interpol Lawyers are international extradition lawyers who represent clients who are being sought by another country for criminal charges. They also work with Interpol, the international law enforcement agency, to help bring fugitives to justice. Interpol Lawyers are based in Germany and have offices in Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Munich. The Interpol Lawyer team is composed of experienced criminal defense attorneys who have successfully represented clients in Interpol cases. If you or someone you know is being sought by Interpol for extradition to another country, contact Interpol Lawyers today for a free consultation. Our attorneys will evaluate your case and explain your options. We will fight to ensure that you receive a fair trial and protect your rights throughout the extradition process. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

Germany is a large country with numerous major cities spread across its states. Interpol Lawyers, who specialize in handling cases involving Interpol Red Notices, extradition, and cross-border legal issues, have representatives in each of these key cities. The presence of these skilled practitioners across Germany ensures that clients receive top-notch legal guidance and representation in matters related to international law enforcement cooperation.

  1. Berlin: In the capital city of Germany, Interpol Lawyers provide comprehensive legal support to clients facing Interpol-related challenges.
  2. Hamburg: Interpol Lawyers in Hamburg offer their expertise to clients dealing with Interpol matters and extradition cases.
  3. Munich: Clients in Munich can rely on the expertise of Interpol Lawyers for their extensive knowledge and experience in handling cross-border legal challenges.
  4. Frankfurt: The Interpol Lawyers representing clients in Frankfurt are dedicated to providing exceptional legal counsel and representation in international legal issues.
  5. Cologne: In Cologne, Interpol Lawyers provide expert guidance and representation to clients facing Interpol Red Notices and related legal matters.
  6. Stuttgart: In Stuttgart, Interpol Lawyers work diligently to address the legal needs of clients facing international law enforcement issues.
  7. Dusseldorf: Interpol Lawyers in Dusseldorf offer their expertise and support to clients navigating the complexities of international legal cooperation.
  8. Dortmund: In Dortmund, Interpol Lawyers provide outstanding legal services in the realm of international law, assisting clients with Interpol Red Notices and extradition matters.
  9. Essen: Interpol Lawyers in Essen work closely with clients to help them understand and navigate the intricacies of Interpol Red Notices and extradition cases.
  10. Leipzig: In Leipzig, Interpol Lawyers offer comprehensive legal support and representation to individuals and businesses dealing with international law enforcement cooperation challenges.

The widespread presence of Interpol Lawyers across Germany ensures that clients have access to exceptional legal services in international law, no matter where they are located in the country.

German Extradition Lawyers are specialized legal practitioners with a deep understanding of the complexities of international law and extradition proceedings. With a comprehensive knowledge of both German and international law, these lawyers provide top-notch legal guidance and representation to clients facing extradition challenges. They work tirelessly to uphold their clients’ rights and ensure that they receive a fair legal process throughout the extradition proceedings.

German Extradition Lawyers have experience in handling complex legal matters related to extradition, including challenging extradition requests, filing appeals, and seeking provisional release. They understand the intricacies of extradition treaties and work closely with local and international law enforcement agencies to navigate the complexities of international legal cooperation. Clients can rely on German Extradition Lawyers for their extensive knowledge and experience in handling cross-border legal challenges.

Whether individuals or businesses, clients facing extradition proceedings can benefit from the expertise of German Extradition Lawyers. With their widespread presence across major German cities, clients in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Cologne, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Dortmund, Leipzig, and other cities can access exceptional legal services in the realm of extradition law. The dedication of these lawyers to their client’s needs and their commitment to providing outstanding legal guidance and representation makes them a trusted choice for those facing extradition challenges in Germany.

Interpol Law Firm in Germany specializes in providing legal guidance and representation to clients facing legal challenges related to Interpol Red Notices, extradition, and cross-border legal issues. With extensive experience and knowledge of both German and international law, the Interpol Lawyers at this law firm offer exceptional legal support to clients in major German cities. They work closely with local and international law enforcement agencies, using their expertise to navigate the complexities of international legal cooperation.

Clients in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Cologne, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Dortmund, Leipzig, and other major German cities can rely on Interpol Law Firm’s skilled practitioners for top-notch legal guidance and representation. Interpol Lawyers at the firm are dedicated to upholding their clients’ rights, ensuring that they receive fair treatment throughout the process. They are well-versed in developing strategies to challenge or remove Interpol Red Notices, addressing extradition requests, and resolving other matters related to international law enforcement.

With the widespread presence of Interpol Lawyers across Germany, clients can access exceptional legal services and representation no matter where they are located in the country. Whether facing international legal challenges as individuals or businesses, clients can rely on Interpol Law Firm’s experience and expertise to guide them through the complexities of international law enforcement cooperation.

How do I remove Interpol’s red notice?

Interpol’s red notice is an internationally wanted person’s notice issued by the organization’s general secretariat at the request of a member state or an international tribunal. If you are the subject of an Interpol red notice and you wish to have it removed, you must submit a formal request to Interpol’s General Secretariat. In your request, you must provide information about the red notice and your current whereabouts. Once your request is received, Interpol will review the red notice and determine whether there are grounds for removal. If the red notice is found to be without basis or outdated, Interpol will remove it from its systems and notify all member states that have been circulated. If you are currently facing charges in relation to the red notice, however, Interpol is unlikely to remove the notice until the charges have been resolved.

Lawyer Kendall Coffey
Kendall Coffey
Senior Partner
Mr. Coffey is a former U.S. Attorney, Southern District of Florida (1993-1996); and served as Chair of, the Southern District Conference, Florida Federal Judicial Nominating Commission (April 2009 – January 2017).

German Interpol & Extradition Lawyers FAQ

Is Germany a part of Interpol?
Yes. The INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB) in Germany provides national law enforcement with a platform to work with police across the globe in tackling transnational crime.
Does Germany do extradition?
Yes, Germany has extradition agreements with other countries.
Does Europe have extradition?
Yes, Europe has extradition agreements among its member states.
Does UAE have an extradition treaty with Germany?
Yes, the UAE and Germany have an extradition treaty in place.
Can a US citizen be extradited to Germany?
Yes, a US citizen can be extradited to Germany under certain circumstances, as Germany has an extradition agreement with the United States.
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