Konstantina Zivla

Konstantina Zivla

Konstantina Zivla is a prominent legal professional, admitted to the Cyprus Bar Association.

She earned her LLB from the University of Cyprus and further honed her expertise with an LLM in Criminal Justice from Queen Mary University of London.

Konstantina is deeply passionate about International Criminal Law and Human Rights, demonstrating vigorous participation in European organisations focused on the protection of prisoners’ rights in both Cyprus and the UK.

Her professional acumen extends to managing intricate cases involving international organisations such as INTERPOL, LexisNexis, and World-Check, specifically in handling requests for the deletion of clients’ data.

With a robust understanding of International Law, Extradition Law and Criminal Law, Konstantina’s career achievements underscore her potential to significantly impact the fields of judicial cooperation in criminal matters and human rights advocacy.

Konstantina efficiently handles complex cases for UHNWI in multiple jurisdictions. She is highly recommended as a trusted legal professional and a personal advisor who can take care of delicate matters which require not only high-end legal skills but also loyalty and utmost dedication.

Konstantina Zivla
Konstantina Zivla
Konstantina Zivla is a prominent legal professional, admitted to the Cyprus Bar Association.
Got law degree from the Cyprus Uni and a master's in Law for Criminal Justice from Queen Mary Uni in London.

Her skill in work reaches to taking care of tough cases with big global groups like INTERPOL, LexisNexis, and World-Check, mainly when it comes to asking to get rid of client info. Konstantina works well with hard cases for very rich folks in many places.
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