Updated on
Dec, 24 2024
Dmytro Konovalenko
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Anatoliy Yarovyi
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Can INTERPOL Make Arrests Anywhere?

No matter what you have seen in movies, INTERPOL doesn’t have agents carrying guns, breaking doors, or arresting subjects. Additionally, it doesn’t issue international arrest warrants. Instead, it was created to improve global police cooperation amongst its 195 member states. Hence it doesn’t have the arrest power neither can detain anybody.

Can INTERPOL Make Arrests in the U.S.?

Popular question: “Can INTEPROL arrest anyone?” The simple answer is no — INTERPOL does not have the authority to make arrests in the United States or anywhere else. INTERPOL, or the International Criminal Police Organization, is not a law enforcement agency and does not operate like national police forces. However, you can get arrested at the airport, or while crossing the border, if you have outstanding warrant.

INTERPOL’s primary role is to assist in the exchange of information between national police forces. It issues various types of notices, including Red Notices, which are requests to locate and provisionally arrest individuals pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action. However, these notices are not international arrest warrants and do not compel any country to act on them.

How INTERPOL Operates

INTERPOL operates an international notice system for member states to share crucial information, including publishing Red Notices. A Red Notice is a request from one member state to others for assistance in locating and arresting individuals involved in criminal activities for extradition.

The Red Notice list, available on INTERPOL’s official website, is expanding. While INTERPOL circulates these notices, the requesting member state seeks assistance in locating a wanted person. It’s important to understand that this system is voluntary.

No member state is legally forced to arrest anybody based on the Red Notice or an INTERPOL diffusion. The agency notes that each member state can decide the legal value they give Red Notices within their borders.

Which Are INTERPOL’s Member States?

INTERPOL, the largest global police organization, comprises 195 member countries. These members collaborate with the General Secretariat to exchange vital police investigation data. Each country has an INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB) connecting its national police to this worldwide network.

The NCB handles Red Notice requests, ensuring they are correctly prepared and that member countries comply with INTERPOL’s rules when uploading information into the agency’s system.

To know if your country is a member state, check INTERPOL’s official website, where all the countries are outlined.

What Are INTERPOL’s Crime Programs?

INTERPOL offers its member countries unique policing expertise and capabilities, adapting to evolving crimes through ongoing research in global crime trends. It supports three main crime programs, which are:

· Counter-terrorism

INTERPOL assists the member state in preventing and disrupting any terrorist activities by helping identify the individuals, networks, and associates involved.

· Organized and emerging crimes

INTERPOL assists in targeting and disrupting international criminal networks. It helps in identifying, analyzing, and responding to any criminal threats.

· Cybercrime

INTERPOL assists in preventing and investigating cybercrime, which is rampant nowadays. Also, it helps make cyberspace safe for its member countries.

Today’s major crimes are global, requiring states to coordinate for security. As a global entity, INTERPOL facilitates cooperation and allows police forces to work directly, even between countries without diplomatic relations.

Can INTERPOL target specific individuals?

Yes, INTERPOL can target specific individuals through its member country network. Member countries can issue a Red Notice requesting INTERPOL’s help to locate and arrest individuals wanted for crimes, with the aim of extradition or similar legal action.

However, it’s important to note that the actual execution of arrests is the responsibility of the respective country’s national law enforcement authorities. INTERPOL acts as a facilitator by disseminating information and coordinating the efforts of member countries in pursuing individuals who are the subject of Red Notices.


INTERPOL doesn’t have the power to make arrests anywhere in the world. Instead, it helps member states by offering investigative support, such as removing red notice, forensics, and analysis, while helping locate fugitives worldwide. The member states have the jurisdictions as per their country’s laws on the value placed on the Red Notice list within their borders.

Anatoly Yarovyi
Anatoly Yarovyi
Anatoly Yarovyi is a seasoned and accomplished lawyer with 20 years of professional experience. He now specializes in Interpol and extradition cases, as well as consulting high-profile individuals on matters related to personal and business security, data protection, and freedom of movement.
He has a strong academic background, including a Master of Law from Lviv University (2004) and an LLM from Stanford University (2013).
He successfully represents clients in the European Court of Human Rights and was one of 15 candidates for the position of Judge at the ECHR in 2021.

Can INTERPOL Make Arrests FAQ ?!

Can INTERPOL make arrests in USA?
No, INTERPOL does not have the authority to make arrests. INTERPOL can issue a Red Notice to seek the location and arrest of a person wanted by a judicial jurisdiction or an international tribunal. However, the actual arrest is made by law enforcement agencies in the country where the person is located.
Can INTERPOL make arrests in UK?
No, INTERPOL itself cannot make arrests in the UK or any other country. The role of INTERPOL is to facilitate international police cooperation. If a person is wanted internationally, INTERPOL can issue a Red Notice but the actual arrest is the responsibility of local law enforcement.
Does INTERPOL have jurisdiction in UAE?
INTERPOL does not have jurisdiction in any country, including the UAE. INTERPOL's role is to support and assist law enforcement agencies in its 194 member countries, rather than exercise jurisdiction.
Can Interpol operate in Indonesia?
Yes, INTERPOL can operate in Indonesia, as it is one of INTERPOL's 194 member countries. However, operation here refers to cooperation and support, not the direct enforcement of law. The enforcement of law is carried out by the Indonesian National Police.
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